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Welcome to Five Ashes Church of England Primary School Website

Open Mornings


Thursday 7th November 9.30am




Monday 11th November 9.30am

At Five Ashes Church of England Primary School we aim to provide a happy, caring and supportive learning environment for all of our children.

We benefit from a very committed and experienced staff who provide high quality teaching and learning for the children in our care. We are proud of our successful record in raising standards in all areas of our children's learning and development.

At Five Ashes children are valued as individuals in their own right. They are encouraged to take a pride in their achievements, to develop their full potential in all areas and to value the pleasure that can be gained from learning.

We offer small class sizes with exceptionally high staff pupil ratios. All the children are well known to staff and to each other and are taught to be aware of others and their needs, adults as well as children.They are also encouraged to develop self-discipline in their work habits, behaviour and play.

We give all of our children equal opportunity of experience irrespective of gender, race or class. We teach the positive values of a multi-cultural society and encourage our children to respect and understand others.

We strongly value the home school partnership and encourage parents and carers to take an active role in supporting their child's learning and development.

Five Ashes is a Church of England School. Our religious education is based on the East Sussex Agreed Syllabus and encompasses the study of other faiths.

Darren Gurr

Head of School

Prospective parents are always welcome to view the school.

DG 2

Ofsted March 2020 Inspection Grading - Good

"Pupils work with determination in every lesson and learn well in a wide range of subjects."

"Their learning is enhanced through the fruitful links that the school has with its local community."

"The school’s ethos is rooted in its Christian values. These are lived out by the whole school community."

"Pupils enjoy their time at school immensely. As one pupil told us: ‘School is the best thing that’s happened in my life.’ "

"One parent expressed the views of many, saying: ‘We think it is a fantastic school and are so glad our daughter is part of the school family.’ "

SIAMS February 2018 Inspection Grading - Outstanding

“The Christian character at Five Ashes Church of England Primary School is very effectively promoted so as to make a significant impact on the personal development of pupils.”

“The expertise of the religious education (RE) leader has driven forward improvements in the RE curriculum.”

“Collective worship and RE are seen positively by members of the school community and have an impact on pupils’ daily lives.”

“Pupils readily make links between biblical teaching and the way that they conduct their lives.”

“Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) provision is highly effective.

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